Architecture & Building Science

What is Building Science?

Building science is all about understanding how a building works as a whole system. It looks at how different parts of a building interact to provide comfort and safety while using energy efficiently. By considering all these factors, we help our clients avoid costly problems and ensure buildings are comfortable and safe for everyone inside.

Why is Building Science Important?

Building science brings together knowledge from engineering, architecture, chemistry, and other fields to understand how buildings function. It’s crucial for making buildings energy-efficient, comfortable, and durable. By looking at buildings as systems, we can prevent issues like energy loss or poor indoor air quality.

Elements of Building Science

When we think about building science, we consider several key elements:

  • Building Envelope: This includes the structural components like walls, windows, doors, and roofs. A well-designed envelope keeps moisture out and maintains comfort inside.
  • Mechanical Equipment: This covers HVAC systems, lighting, plumbing, and security systems. These systems not only control temperature but also affect indoor air quality and comfort.
  • Building Occupants: People and plants inside a building impact its heat, air, and moisture flow. They affect everything from thermostat settings to airflow by using equipment, opening windows, and more.

Understanding Heat, Air, and Moisture Flow

In building science, we pay close attention to three main flows:

  • Heat Flow: Heat naturally moves from warmer areas to cooler ones. We aim to slow this transfer down to keep buildings comfortable.
  • Air Flow: Air moves from areas of high pressure to low pressure. We manage airflow to maintain comfort and indoor air quality.
  • Moisture Flow: Moisture can enter buildings through rain, snow, or condensation. Controlling moisture is crucial to prevent damage and mould growth.

Why Choose Deluxe for Building Science?

At Deluxe, we’re committed to innovation and cutting-edge building science. We understand that your building is essential to your community, so we prioritize using the latest techniques and technology to ensure its success. When you partner with us, you’re investing in a future of sustainable, healthy buildings.

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